July 1, 2016 by S Dixit Alexander Alexander Hartkopf The administrator of this page, my friend Karl, and his wife Sam, recently had their first baby. This drawing was done in his honor. Welcome to Earth, little Alex.
June 11, 2016 by S Dixit Punching Judy Garden State Roller Girl “Punching Judy.” Punching Judy is the handle by which one Meghan Euringer rolls over the competition in central Jersey’s roller derby team.
June 10, 2016 by S Dixit Old Published Artwork My illustration from Issue 94 of Space & Time Magazine. Once again, special thanks are due to John R. Platt for scanning this page for me.
April 19, 2016 by S Dixit Yearbook Project #2 Yearbook Project #2:Erika The challenge here is to take a grainy halftone image about the size of two postage stamps, one above the other, and draw the individual in question. Next, maybe I’ll post Yearbook Project #1.