Once I deduct break times from my count, this particular drawing clocks in at 17:49 hours. Part of that time was spent making and fixing an error of mammoth proportions. The rest was honest work. Now that I’ve quantified the time aspect of this drawing, I have the weirdly obsessive desire to count the dots. This is my lovely sister-in-law, BTW.
Grace Kelly
In Progress….
Actually, I just wanted to take a moment to say that today’s drawing was relatively pain-free. I have degeneration in my hip and lower vertebrae, but I simply can’t just eschew my creativity to preserve my joints. The body is doing what it was meant to do.
A.Hepburn Complete
The Work Continues
Second post, and I’ve decided to say something. My back hurts. I draw on a drafting table, which I keep flat, in keeping with how I learned to draw while growing up. This requires me to hunch over the drawing (sanctuary!!!) in order to reach the highest parts of the drawing. And my back is hurting low on my spine, and slightly to the right. This is part of the price I pay to do these stippled drawings.